Use "national liberation front|national liberation front" in a sentence

1. Philippine anti-government militants, "the Moro Islamic Liberation Front" and "Moro National Liberation Front" in North Cotabato province, southern Philippines, the fierce exchange of fire.

2. A national forum titled "Front de Liberation Nationale Kanak Socialiste" (FLNKS) was established in 1984.

3. Prior to 1975, her relatives were active in the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam.

4. Initial reports claimed that a senior member of the National Liberation Front, the governing party of the National Assembly in Algeria, said that 26 Polisario Front members were among the casualties.

5. Sandino's political legacy was claimed by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), which finally overthrew the Somoza government in 1979.

6. North Vietnam, in turn, supported the National Liberation Front, which drew its ranks from the South Vietnamese working class and peasantry.

7. She is best known for her activities on behalf of the National Liberation Front (FLN) during the Algerian War of Independence.

8. The Democratic Front, dominated by the Albanian Communist Party, succeeded the National Liberation Front in August 1945 and the first post-war election was the held on 2 December.

9. 1941 – Beginning of the National Liberation War of Macedonia.

10. Note from Heron's Liberation Front demanding ransom for return of Gnome.

11. South Yemen developed as a Marxist, mostly secular society ruled first by the National Liberation Front, which later morphed into the ruling Yemeni Socialist Party.

12. In February 1974, the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLFSV) commended the 1961 attack on Cassanje, the first battle of Angola’s war of independence.

13. " Animal Liberation Front. " - ♪ Let me give my life to you... ♪

14. This organization was formally established in 1984 as the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

15. In January 1975, Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, the leader of NLFSV, gave his "warmest greetings" to the leaders of the (People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA), National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA)) following the signing of the Alvor Accords.

16. The Philippine military said rebels of the Separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front were responsible.

17. During the tour, they emphasized the role of Buddhism in the national liberation struggle.

18. Batha had on Thursday returned to the mainstream along with 22 other cadres of the newly floated National Liberation Front of Bodoland (NLFB) from their hideouts in the jungles of Arunachal Pradesh.

19. Ben supported the anti-French National Liberation Front (FLN) from the beginning of the Algerian War of Independence, and joined the communist Combattants de la Libération guerrilla group where she helped transport weapons.

20. The peace talks, hoping to end the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, launched more than a decade of insurgency.

21. Abolitionising Single Issues Abolitionising Single-issues Alliance Politics Always For Animal Rights Amnesty International Andrew Linzey Angela Barnes Angus Taylor Animal Aid Animal Liberation Animal Liberation (book) Animal Liberation Front Animal Pity Animal Rights Animal Rights Conference (Luxembourg) Animal Rights Movement Animal Rights

22. The extreme right-wing National Front promoted anti-semitism.

23. They are believed to have been from a small group called the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

24. In 1981, the front organization Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain led a failed coup attempt to install a Shia theocratic regime led by Hadi al-Modarresi.

25. The broader tradition is a typically nationalist one, seeing national liberation through war as honourable and singularly justified.

26. International community also faces the problem of recognition of national liberation movements and situations of insurgencies and Belligerencies and …

27. The idealistic arm of animal protectionism also includes its fair share of extremists, such as the now infamous Animal Liberation Front.

28. The Cossack National Movement of Liberation hoped to gain an independent Cossack state, to be called Cossackia, after the war

29. Women participate in the national liberation struggle and have never considered they should be struggling to liberate themselves from men.

30. GUWAHATI: National Liberation Front of Bodoland (NLFB) extremist M Batha, the insurgent leader who recently returned to the jungles after the Bodoland Council elections, is expected to surrender before the Assam Police along with his 60 cadres on Thursday

31. Savar is mostly famous for Jatiyo Smriti Soudho, the National Monument for the Martyrs of the Liberation War of Bangladesh.

32. She originally joined the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) as a volunteer, but eventually the JRA became an independent group.

33. War and Liberation

34. The National Front is an extremely right-wing political party in Britain.

35. The incidents occurred a week before the next meeting between peace negotiators of the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

36. There was the Vietnam War. There was black liberation. There was women's liberation.

37. They pant after liberation.

38. Spiritual Liberation in Colombia

39. Dubček, the party Presidium, the National Front, and the cabinet denounced this manifesto.

40. 5 The National Front is an extremely right-wing political party in Britain.

41. Queering animal liberation (Animalizing

42. Britches may refer to: Breeches, or Britches, an item of clothing; Britches (monkey), a baby monkey removed from a laboratory by the Animal Liberation Front

43. The National Salvation Front took power, later trying to legitimize its position with elections.

44. They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.

45. Meaning we can't be seen hand-wringing in front of the National Security Advisor.

46. Beam is a national training, movement building and grant making organization dedicated to the healing, wellness and liberation of Black and marginalized communities

47. Creativeness is liberation from slavery

48. 27 They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.

49. In 1995, she married Franck Chauffroy, a business executive who worked for the National Front.

50. 8 Joey Morphy , teller at the First National Bank come out of the front door.

51. The Mozambican War of Independence was an armed conflict between the guerrilla forces of the Mozambique Liberation Front or FRELIMO (Frente de Libertação de Moçambique), and Portugal.

52. Intellectual liberation leads to political freedom.

53. So is study of the liberation struggle.

54. Arroyo has had to make compromises with Muslim family leaders throughout the region while soldiers pursued elements of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, deeply ensconced in the province.

55. Facing them was the FUNK’s armed wing, the Cambodian People's National Liberation Armed Forces (CPNLAF) which received arms and ammunition freely from the nation's porous borders.

56. On Wednesday, the newspaper Liberation published excerpts.

57. Africanization is about liberation – the comprehensive liberation of all Africa and all Africans – but more specifically the liberation of the poor, the Black, the women and most specifically Black or African women

58. Land reform was popular and the National Front politicians, what remained of them, could hardly impose it.

59. Liberation Autochthonies of this kind exist across Southern Africa in countries whose ruling parties have emerged from former liberation movements

60. The National Salvation Front has already replied to this series of opposition moves with its own demonstrations.

61. The story also earned a front-page banner headline in the national newspaper, the Globe and Mail.

62. 6 Minister Weerawansa leads the ultranationalist National Freedom Front,[] an ally of President Mahinda Rajapaksa's government.

63. The perspective of liberation theology is historical.

64. The oppressed long for deliverance and liberation.

65. Loss and Liberation by PrinnyDood-Abides, literature

66. Freedom from self-slavery is true liberation!

67. Sutsakhan became commander of the KPNLF's armed wing, the Khmer People's National Liberation Armed Forces (KPNLAF), and attempted to impose a centralized structure on its armed factions.

68. Paradoxically, the other major beneficiary from apparent disillusion with the established parties was the far right Front national.

69. Asceticism means the liberation of the human person

70. Marshal Tito, during a Yugoslavian conference in later years, thanked Hoxha for the assistance that the Albanian partisans had given during the War for National Liberation (Lufta Nacionalçlirimtare).

71. This liberation usually took place about daybreak on Wednesday.

72. Leaving school was such a liberation for me.

73. In 2012, Tuareg and other peoples in northern Mali's Azawad region started an insurgency in the north under the banner of the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad.

74. The anti-conspiratorial rhetoric of the Vanguard argument has its place in the general National Front argument about tactics.

75. Peptidyl compounds having mmp and tnf- liberation inhibitory activity

76. The skirmish between the Palestine liberation organization and Israel.

77. For us, this was liberation from the Communist regime.

78. During the evening there were protests by Women's Liberation activists.

79. Guinea-Bissau: From Liberation Struggle to Independent Statehood, 1987

80. The editorial was titled "The Liberation of U Thant".